Didi Stars Challenges

Didi Stars (2-4 year olds) Challenges

Act out a pirate story

Set sail upon your mighty pirate ship and try and find the buried treasure! 
Build yourself a treasure island using whatever household objects you can find and hide some secret treasure amongst it. You can even try developing your orienteering skills by creating a treasure map to follow!
Make your own swing 

If you are able to get out and about, why not try a walk in the local parks, woodland footpaths or public bridle ways and build yourself a swing! You will need a rope of good length and a suitable piece of wood or plastic to create your seat. See if you can find the perfect tree to build your swing. Make sure the branch is nice and strong, and that you've tied your rope securely. Take care no to make your swing too high as we don't want any bumps!
Get strong with garden chores 

Now's the time to help out around the garden. A good way to test your strength is to water the plants, fill up your watering can so that it starts to feel heavy and head out to give those flowers a nice drink. You can also build on your balance and coordination by lending a hand to pull out weeds, plant some flowers or help to cut the grass!
Jumping, chasing and splashing 

Fill up a paddling pool and get splashing! You can pretend to be like Peppa Pig by pulling on your wellies and seeing how big a splash you can make in your "muddy puddles!" Or why not try reaching below the water for objects, you can do this using your hands, feet or if you're feeling brave even putting your face in the water!
Test your grip strength

If you have a home climbing frame, trampoline or strong fence this activity will be great at helping you develop a really strong grip. Hold onto the bars and squeeze your hands nice and tight, see if you can lift your feet up! How long can you hold on for? Can you hold on only using one hand? If you choose to do this activity in a public space be sure to wash/hand sanitise your hands as soon as you can!
Use painting to test coordination, strength and balance!

Lets get creative and help decorate the home! Painting is a fantastic way to show off our coordination skills. We can test our strength and balance too by painting those hard to reach places. Note to parents: Choose your wall wisely!
Using maths to make an orienteering game. 

Create puzzles using maths problems to help make a treasure map. Hide treasure somewhere in the house/garden, co-ordinate the treasure to match the last answer on your maths problems! 

The answer to the maths question will lead you to another problem to solve. For example "3+1= ???" Once the child guesses correct "4!" they look on their map. Number 4 on the map is in the living room, they now know to look in the living room for their next problem to solve.
Target Practice Challenge

How many shots can you make in 1 minute? 
First of all you will need to find yourself a ball (netball, football, tennis ball etc), bean bag, toilet roll or another round/soft object. Then you will need to find a hoop, bucket or plant pot and see how many times you can shoot the object into the target in 1 minute. You must be 3 metres away every time you take a shot. 
Ellie used a plant pot and a dog ball and managed to do 10!
Mini obstacle course

Create a mini obstacle course using any types of household objects you may have as markers this can be cones, stones, water bottles, soft toys etc.

How many different ways can you travel through your course? Can you hop, skip, run, jump or even roll and kick a ball! 

Yoga Pose Challenge

Build strength and balance by challenging yourself with the Wide-Angle Seated Pose. 
All you need is a comfy surface e.g. carpet, bed, rug, mat.

Sit on your bottom and try and hold your feet or big toes off the ground, once you feel balanced and comfortable, you can try and straighten your arms and legs (only do this if you feel balanced and comfortable!). This pose is quite tricky, however we believe in you! Persevere and you WILL get there! How long can you hold this pose for?
Remember to BREATH!! 

Thank you to the awesome Didi Star Charlie for showing us all how it is done.

Jumping Challenge

Place a small object on the floor. How many two footed jumps can you do over the object in 1 minute? 

As you get better you can replace the object with a slightly larger one. Our Didi Star at Keswick our camp chose a hurdle but you can use anything you like, it could be soft toys piled up to create a softer barrier if you would like. This will help to stop you getting any bumps.

Wall Rebounders

With a soft ball. Within this activity the children should practice throwing with right and left arms and catching with both hands, left hand only and right hand only.

Balloon Tap Ups

Holding a tennis racket like a frying pan

Challenge 1: can you keep the balloon bouncing for 1 minute?

Challenge 2: how many hits in a row can you get without the balloon touching the floor?

Toy strikeout

Have your toys spaced out in a line. Standing behind a marker, holding a tennis racket between your legs:

Challenge 1: can you send the ball to reach toy?

Challenge 2: how many times can you hit your toys with a ball in 1 minute?

Cardboard Box Netball

A great way to test your little one's accuracy while recycling your boxes.

Hop Scotch Challenge

Can you combine your physical and maths skills to create a fun course?

Press Up - Clear the floor 

Each playing member will need 8 objects and a container to place them in, bowl or bucket for example. 
Each player starts in the press up position, feet back and hips in line with shoulders. On go using alternate hands you pick up 1 object and place it in your target. First to pick up all the objects is a winner. 

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